Give Witness

“My fullest concentration of energy is available to me ONLY when I integrate all the parts of who I am opnely.” -Audre Lorde

Tell your story on your terms.

Whether it’s a speech, an upcoming interview, a campaign platform or a memoir to your grandchildren-it’s your story to tell on your terms. When you get the opportunity to WITNESS always do it AUTHENTICALLY.


Waiting to be told.

If you’re trying to figure out how to put all the pieces of your narrative together in a way that is authentic, look no further. Let’s figure out the best way to craft your story. With over a 15 years of storytelling experience, I can help. We know our stories, but sometimes, they can feel hard to piece together to make digestible for an audience. That’s where a little story crafting can help. Tag me in coach!


Witness in BOLD.

If you love the stories of others, ones that move different parts within you, click below. These brave people have shared pieces of their life story with us. It’s our hope that you will leave these stories-transformed.